Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Hot Can Hot Get?



with my last post I gave you the coldest cold can get (absolute zero). But now Im going to tell you the hottest thing ever(or attempt to). So earth we have hot things for humans, like 100celsius for us would be considered hot. Then you have lava at around 1000 celsius, would according to us be extremely hot. Ok so you are probably shouting at your screen to how stupid I am, because we have the sun, which has 5000 Celsius at the surface, but according to Vsauce(Video at the bottom to watch) the sun is 15 million Kelvin. But the sun cant be the hottest right? Yep, your right. We humans actually hit 350 million Kelvin in a thermo nuclear explosion, even though it was for a very very short period of time. But thats not where hot stops, when a star collapses(8 times our star) on the last day according to vsauce the star will reach 3 BILLION KELVIN in the center. Wow, I know right? But the scary thin is that is not even close to the hottest hot can get. At 798 kelvin plasma is made, because the electrons float away. But at 1 Tera Kelvin the nuclei melt. Still not hot enough? The human race shows how curious we are, scientists smashed particles to get 1 EXA KELVIN or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kelvin. Ok this is getting weird, we still haven't reached the hottest. But at 141 to the 32 power of kelvin or 141,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kelvin
it would reach a wave lenth of 1616 to the -26 power nano metres, it would reach the smallest distance ever. Meaning it would no get any hotter, but what if you added more heat? Wouldn't it just get shorter. The answer is no, but if you add more heat the "thing" would not be considered temperature anymore . 141,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kelvin called a PLANCK temp. So if you add more heat to that it is called a Kugebltiz, that starts a black hole from temperature .

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