Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Matteo Cavic
Science 8A
                                                                           Eternal Life

Year 2075 and new trends are happening, but this is only between rich celebrities. This trend is living for eternity and never aging. The rest of the population doesn’t know about this, but some are suspicious to why the well known celebrities are looking better than ever and why they always look the same. This has been happening for a short period of time, people started to notice only 1 year back when someone questioned the age of a certain celebrity and how they looked a few years before. But today everyone is going to find out what is really happening today.

Year 2070,
(beep, beep, beep) “Wake up J305”- Clock. Hello my name is just like the clock said, “J305”. I am 22 years old and I don’t remember my childhood because of a plague in the outer world that kills brain cells. I live on an island with thousands of people. I have never seen the island that we are on because we are not allowed outside because the plague is airborn. We all have bracelets and each bracelet gives info to the officials in the building. But I will get back to that later. I make my way to the eating hall and I get to the food counter. “Hello J305, let’s see what you can have today to eat”. There is a wide selection from bacon to salads and yoghurts. “J305 you can only have this yoghurt and bread with water”. “Why?”, “Your profile sais you need a balanced diet”. “But the last time I had something un-healthy was 2 months ago…”. “Sorry J305 the rules have to be followed, now please move on”. Life in this facility is boring; everyday is the same… food, exercise and sleep. But there is hope, every week a person is chosen to go to a contamination free island that is on the outside. But I feel like I will never get chosen. Anyways every day I meet up with my good friend, named Jim. His name is odd, just like all of the officials. And another exciting thing… he has seen the outside. He is always hesitant to say how it looks and he always tells me that I don’t want to see the outside. But today was different, I analyzed where he works, it happens to be out of bounds for me. But today I am going to explore. As I go higher and farther into the out of bounds I see and thing, I can’t explain it. It has shapes like wings, they taught us all the animals that died in the plague, this looks like a butterfly. As I go deeper I see light and then out of nowhere, JIM. He says, “What are you doing here?”.  I said that I was curious; he said that I am not supposed to feel curiosity. Just as he said that an alarm goes off, (breached) it rang. “Everybody is looking for you”, said Jim. “Come with me”, he said. He rushed me upwards and into places I’ve never seen. We got outside and I was overwhelmed. I saw a sun, hills, and sand for miles out. This didn’t look like an island and he drove me to his house in the middle of nowhere. I wanted answers and he agreed. “What is this? Why is there no plague and island? Why was I underground in that facility?” Jim hesitated, “You… are a double of a celebrity in the world.” “I don’t understand.” Jim again tried to explain, “People took their genes and paid a company to double themselves so they can have healthy lives, you will be killed for a certain organ when your owner needs one.” I was upset, I felt fake, my life felt mythical. “This is not right… we need to get those people out.” “But how” Jim questioned. “They won’t just let you march in there and take all the merchandise, after all one clone is tens of millions, and how will you explain to those clones?” “Ok then, maybe I should go to my owner and explain! Who’s my owner?” “ He is a famous football player” Jim explained.

*breaking news*
Reporter, “Thousands of celebrities were found roaming the streets, ranging from models and movie stars no one knew why they were walking cluelessly at a town close to Death Valley.”
Few hours later*
Reporter, “ Even more shocking news, there were doubles seen of some celebrities, and some explain that a company clones you for an amount of money. Is this the next biggest scandal?”

1 comment:

  1. I like the main concept of this story and it has been the topic of many clone films including "6th Day" and "The Island". Your story is closer to the plot of "The Island". You should watch it if you haven't already :)

    You will have a chance to add more details about the cloning process after we study the genetics chapter.
